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School Catering


With frischli products, you can fulfil the high quality standards which apply to school catering. The products, which can be stored without chilling and comply with HACCP and IFS standards, can be served directly or quickly and easily made into popular dishes. Benefit from the economical uses of frischli products!

bestnoten für geschmack und qualität

Top marks for taste and quality

Young guests in the school canteen love the delicious creamy taste of frischli milk puddings.

 Some of our Desserts have been developed especially for school catering: low-calorie, with less sugar and low-fat milk (1.5%).

Effizient und Vielseitig: produktvielfalt für profis

Efficient and versatile: Product diversity for professional

The high-quality convenience products from frischli are ready-to-use at any time: they are ready-to-serve and can be plated up with minimal personnel costs in a flash. The wide range of frischli products are also the best basis for your own creative recipe ideas and tasty finishing processes.

Quality & Safety

frischli stands for quality and safety

High quality standards apply to frischli products. These standards are reflected in our regularly updated quality and hygiene certificates. Our products also achieve a high level of product safety due to their long use-by date of 8 weeks without need for chilling.


Convenience products that pay for themselves

The costs of catering often play a crucial role in schools, nurseries and other educational facilities. Rely on the ready-to-serve products of frischli: Portion simply and precisely, calculate reliably and serve using a minimal of time and personnel costs!

News / School Catering

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